List of Doctor Who DVD and Blu-ray releases

This is a list of Doctor Who serials that are available on DVD and Blu-ray.



Most Doctor Who DVDs have been released first in the United Kingdom with Region 2, and released later in Australia and New Zealand (Region 4) and in North America (Region 1). Aside from differences in the external packaging, special features and commentaries are mostly identical in all versions. The Region 1 release of The Five Doctors contains a commentary track featuring Peter Davison and Terrance Dicks not available on the earlier Region 2 release. All Region 1 releases prior to September 2005 also included a "Who's Who" feature that identified key cast members and gave brief biographies and filmographies. The Region 1 releases of Robots of Death, The Ark in Space, The Talons of Weng-Chiang, and Pyramids of Mars also include a featurette with the syndicated Time-Life introductions and closings narrated by Howard da Silva.

There are also minor variations having to do with technical glitches that occurred in the Region 2 discs but were corrected in time for the Region 1 release (The Caves of Androzani, Remembrance of the Daleks, Complete Series Two box set).

The Region 2 discs released up to 2009 have also been dual coded with Region 4, so the two have been identical. This practice ceased for new releases in 2009. The only exceptions are Vengeance on Varos, which fixed an error on the Region 2 version in episode 2, and Remembrance of the Daleks, which used the NTSC master due to errors on the UK version and issues about music clearance.

The Region 1 classic series DVDs are labelled with story numbers, which are listed below. The numbering system follows that used in the 1995 reference work The Discontinuity Guide. It differs slightly from that used by Doctor Who Magazine (the source for the Wikipedia list of Doctor Who serials), firstly by including the uncompleted serial Shada, and secondly by counting the four segments of The Trial of a Time Lord as four separate stories. Because of this, both schemes are identical until the 108th story, The Horns of Nimon, after which they diverge. The Region 1 DVDs of the 2005 revival of Doctor Who do not have story numbers, so none are listed here.

As well as the DVDs, episode soundtracks, including releases of soundtracks where the video elements of episodes no longer exist with linking narration being added as a substitute are also released on CD. For a full list of these and other releases, see List of Doctor Who audio releases.

As of 2011, 131 stories (including 117 complete stories, 13 incomplete stories and 1 story reconstructed with animation) from the classic era (1963–1996) have been released on DVD. 29 stories (including 15 complete stories, 4 incomplete stories and 10 missing stories) remain unavailable.


Prior to autumn 2006, the standard Region 2 release pattern was one release approximately every two months, for six releases a year. Starting in 2004, one of those releases (eventually standardised as the January one) would consist of a box set. Beginning in late 2006, four new release slots were added to account for a new category of "standard" edition releases—comparably budget-priced DVDs that would contain fewer extras than the "special edition" DVDs that make up the rest of the line. Likewise, the definition of "special editions" was expanded to include sets of two or more related serials.[1] This rate increase brings the typical R2 schedule up to ten releases (of one or more serials apiece): one a month, excepting February and December.

Although Region 1 initially lagged somewhat behind Region 2, its release rate (up until the R2 schedule change in late 2006) was typically somewhat faster: seven releases, spread across four release slots. The yearly box set was typically slotted for March, while June, September, and November are each scheduled for two releases. By March 2007, the Region 1 catalogue had essentially caught up with Region 2. As of January 2011, Region 1 and Region 2 release schedule will be synchronised, with titles being released in North America within a month after the UK release. The Region 4 release schedule is expected to follow suit.


With few exceptions (noted below), each of the 'classic series' stories have been carefully restored by the Doctor Who Restoration Team from the best available materials, and are presented as originally broadcast—in episodic format, where applicable. Other features present on every, or nearly every, DVD include cast and crew commentary, subtitles, production notes, and a photo gallery.

"Special edition" releases (which make up the bulk of the line; see above) also typically include one or more documentaries relating to the serial in question, any relevant archive material, and—where applicable—the occasional highlight such as a Dolby 5.1 mix or enhanced movie edit. The precise features vary, depending on the available resources and the nature of the story.


"Planet of the Dead" was the first Doctor Who episode to be filmed and broadcast in high-definition. It was released on Blu-ray on the same day as its corresponding DVD in Region 2. All subsequent episodes (excluding the animated "Dreamland") have also been filmed and broadcast in high-definition and released on Blu-ray, usually simultaneously with the corresponding DVDs. An upscaled version of "The Next Doctor" (which was shot in standard-definition) was also released on Blu-ray as part of a box set containing all of the 2008–10 specials. It was also released individually in Australia and New Zealand. So far no other Doctor Who episodes that were broadcast prior to 2009 have been released or announced for release on Blu-ray.


This is a list of Doctor Who DVD and Blu-ray releases that have either been released or have been announced for release. Unless otherwise noted all dates refer to DVD releases only.

Doctor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

First Doctor releases

Starring William Hartnell as the First Doctor. There are two complete First Doctor serials (The Sensorites and Planet of Giants) yet to be released on DVD and three incomplete First Doctor serials (The Reign of Terror, Galaxy 4 and The Tenth Planet) yet to have their extant material released on DVD.

Season Story # Serial name Number and duration
of episodes
R2 release date R4 release date R1 release date
The Beginning:
An Unearthly Child (4 episodes)
The Daleks (7 episodes)
The Edge of Destruction (2 episodes)
(Also includes a 30 minute telesnap reconstruction of Marco Polo)
13 × 25 min.
+ 1 × 30 min. reconstruction
30 January 2006 2 March 2006 28 March 2006
005 The Keys of Marinus 6 × 25 min. 21 September 2009 7 January 2010 5 January 2010
006 The Aztecs 4 × 25 min. 21 October 2002 2 December 2002 4 March 2003
007 The Sensorites 6 × 25 min. 23 January 2012[2] 2 February 2012[3] 14 February 2012[4]
008 The Reign of Terror (episodes 1-3 & 6 of 6, animation of 4 & 5)[5] 6 × 25 min 2012[6][7] TBA TBA
2 009 Planet of Giants 3 × 25 min 2012[6][8] TBA TBA
010 The Dalek Invasion of Earth 6 × 25 min. 9 June 2003 13 August 2003 7 October 2003

The Rescue/The Romans:
The Rescue (2 episodes)
The Romans (4 episodes)
6 × 25 min. 23 February 2009 2 April 2009 7 July 2009
013 The Web Planet 6 × 25 min. 3 October 2005 3 November 2005 5 September 2006

The Space Museum/The Chase:
The Space Museum (4 episodes)
The Chase (6 episodes)
10 × 25 min. 1 March 2010 6 May 2010 6 July 2010
017 The Time Meddler 4 × 25 min. 4 February 2008 2 April 2008 5 August 2008
3 023 The Ark 4 × 25 min. 14 February 2011 3 March 2011 8 March 2011
025 The Gunfighters
Only available as part of the Earthstory box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1
4 × 25 min. 20 June 2011 4 August 2011 12 July 2011
027 The War Machines 4 × 25 min. 25 August 2008 7 November 2008 6 January 2009

Lost in Time vol. 1
All existing episodes from otherwise missing First Doctor serials have been released on the Lost in Time collection, with the exception of The Tenth Planet and The Reign of Terror which have yet to be released, and Galaxy 4 episode 3, which was recovered after the release of Lost in Time. Lost in Time was released in two formats in Region 1, with individual releases for volumes one and two (which cover First Doctor and Second Doctor episodes respectively), as well as an edition combining both volumes. In Regions 2 and 4, Lost in Time is available only as the combined single volume.

Season Story # Includes episodes from Number and duration
of episodes
R2 release date R4 release date R1 release date
2-3 014

The Crusade (episodes 1 & 3 of 4; soundtracks of 2 & 4)
The Daleks' Master Plan (episodes 2, 5 & 10 of 12)
The Celestial Toymaker (episode 4 of 4)
(Also includes surviving clips from The Smugglers and The Tenth Planet)
6 × 25 min.
+ 2 × 25 min. audio
1 November 2004 2 December 2004
(Original release)
1 July 2010
2 November 2004

Second Doctor releases

Starring Patrick Troughton as the Second Doctor. There is one complete Second Doctor serial (The Krotons) yet to be released on DVD and two incomplete Second Doctor serials (The Underwater Menace and The Ice Warriors) yet to have all of their extant material released on DVD.

Season Story # Serial name Number and duration
of episodes
R2 release date R4 release date R1 release date
5 037 The Tomb of the Cybermen 4 × 25 min. 14 January 2002 4 April 2002 6 August 2002
The Tomb of the Cybermen – Special Edition
Will be part of the Revisitations 3 box set
4 × 25 min. 13 February 2012[9] 1 March 2012[3] 13 March 2012[10]
6 044 The Dominators 5 × 25 min. 12 July 2010 2 September 2010 11 January 2011
045 The Mind Robber 5 × 20 min. 7 March 2005 5 May 2005 6 September 2005
046 The Invasion (episodes 2-3 & 5-8 of 8, animation of 1 & 4) 8 × 25 min. 6 November 2006 3 January 2007 6 March 2007
047 The Krotons 4 × 25 min. 2012[6][11] TBA TBA
048 The Seeds of Death 6 × 25 min. 17 February 2003 5 May 2003 2 March 2004
The Seeds of Death – Special Edition
Only available as part of the Revisitations 2 box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Not yet available in Region 1
6 × 25 min. 28 March 2011 5 May 2011 TBA[12]
050 The War Games 10 × 25 min. 6 July 2009 3 September 2009 3 November 2009

Lost in Time vol. 2
All existing episodes from otherwise missing Second Doctor serials have been released on the Lost in Time collection, with the exception of: The Underwater Menace episode 2, which was recovered after the release of Lost in Time; The Ice Warriors which has yet to be released; and The Invasion which had its missing episodes animated for its DVD release. Lost in Time was released in two formats in Region 1, with individual releases for volumes one and two (which cover First Doctor and Second Doctor episodes respectively), as well as an edition combining both volumes. In Regions 2 and 4, Lost in Time is available only as the combined single volume.

Season Story # Includes episodes from Number and duration
of episodes
R2 release date R4 release date R1 release date
4-6 032

The Underwater Menace (episode 3 of 4)
The Moonbase (episodes 2 & 4 of 4; soundtracks of 1 & 3)
The Faceless Ones (episodes 1 & 3 of 6)
The Evil of the Daleks (episode 2 of 7)
The Abominable Snowmen (episode 2 of 6)
The Enemy of the World (episode 3 of 6)
The Web of Fear (episode 1 of 6)
The Wheel in Space (episodes 3 & 6 of 6)
The Space Pirates (episode 2 of 6)
(Also includes surviving clips from The Power of the Daleks, The Highlanders,
The Macra Terror and Fury from the Deep)
12 × 25 min.
+ 2 × 25 min. audio
1 November 2004 2 December 2004
(Original release)
1 July 2010
2 November 2004

Third Doctor releases

Starring Jon Pertwee as the Third Doctor. There are five Third Doctor serials (The Ambassadors of Death, The Mind of Evil, The Dæmons, Invasion of the Dinosaurs and Death to the Daleks) yet to be released on DVD. Although originally announced for release in 2011, The Ambassadors of Death has been set back due to technical difficulties.[13]

Season Story # Serial name Number and duration
of episodes
R2 release date R4 release date R1 release date
7 051 Spearhead from Space 4 × 25 min. 29 January 2001 12 September 2001 11 September 2001
Spearhead from Space – Special Edition
Only available as part of the Mannequin Mania box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Not yet available in Region 1.
4 × 25 min. 9 May 2011 2 June 2011 TBA[14]
052 Doctor Who and the Silurians
Only available as part of the Beneath the Surface box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Available individually or in the box set in Region 1.
7 × 25 min. 14 January 2008 5 March 2008 3 June 2008
053 The Ambassadors of Death 7 × 25 min. Delayed[13] TBA TBA
054 Inferno 7 × 25 min. 19 June 2006 6 July 2006 5 September 2006
8 055 Terror of the Autons
Only available as part of the Mannequin Mania box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
4 × 25 min. 9 May 2011 2 June 2011 10 May 2011
056 The Mind of Evil 6 × 25 min. TBA[6] TBA TBA
057 The Claws of Axos 4 × 25 min. 25 April 2005 2 June 2005 8 November 2005
058 Colony in Space 6 × 25 min. 3 October 2011 1 December 2011 8 November 2011
059 The Dæmons 5 × 25 min. 26 March 2012[6][15] TBA TBA
9 060 Day of the Daleks 4 × 25 min. 12 September 2011 6 October 2011 13 September 2011
061 The Curse of Peladon
Only available as part of the Peladon Tales box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1
4 × 25 min. 18 January 2010 4 March 2010 4 May 2010
062 The Sea Devils
Only available as part of the Beneath the Surface box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Available individually or in the box set in Region 1.
6 × 25 min. 14 January 2008 5 March 2008 3 June 2008
063 The Mutants 6 × 25 min. 31 January 2011 3 February 2011 8 February 2011
064 The Time Monster
Only available as part of the Myths and Legends box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
6 × 25 min. 29 March 2010 3 June 2010 6 July 2010
10 065 The Three Doctors 4 × 25 min. 24 November 2003 12 November 2003 2 March 2004
The Three Doctors – Special Edition
Will be part of the Revisitations 3 box set
4 × 25 min. 13 February 2012[9] 1 March 2012[3] 13 March 2012[10]
066 Carnival of Monsters 4 × 25 min. 15 July 2002 2 September 2002 1 July 2003
Carnival of Monsters – Special Edition
Only available as part of the Revisitations 2 box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Not yet available in Region 1.
4 × 25 min. 28 March 2011 5 May 2011 TBA[16]

Dalek War:
Frontier in Space (6 episodes)
Planet of the Daleks (6 episodes)
12 × 25 min. 5 October 2009 4 February 2010 2 March 2010
069 The Green Death 6 × 25 min. 10 May 2004 5 August 2004 1 March 2005
11 070 The Time Warrior
Available individually or in the Bred for War box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
4 × 25 min. 3 September 2007 3 October 2007 1 April 2008
071 Invasion of the Dinosaurs
Will be part of the UNIT Files box set.
6 × 25 min. 9 January 2012[17] 5 January 2012[18] 10 January 2012[19]
072 Death to the Daleks 4 × 25 min. 2012[6][20] TBA TBA
073 The Monster of Peladon
Only available as part of the Peladon Tales box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
6 × 25 min. 18 January 2010 4 March 2010 4 May 2010
074 Planet of the Spiders 6 × 25 min. 18 April 2011 2 June 2011 10 May 2011

Fourth Doctor releases

Starring Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor. There are four Fourth Doctor serials (Terror of the Zygons, The Android Invasion, The Face of Evil and Nightmare of Eden) yet to be released on DVD and one unfinished serial (Shada) that has yet to have its extant material released on DVD.

Season Story # Serial name Number and duration
of episodes
R2 release date R4 release date R1 release date
12 075 Robot 4 × 25 min. 4 June 2007 4 July 2007 14 August 2007
076 The Ark in Space 4 × 25 min. 8 April 2002 3 June 2002 6 August 2002
077 The Sontaran Experiment
Available individually or in the Bred for War box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
2 × 25 min. 9 October 2006 7 December 2006 6 March 2007
078 Genesis of the Daleks
Available individually or in The Complete Davros Collection box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
6 × 25 min. 10 April 2006 4 May 2006 6 June 2006
079 Revenge of the Cybermen
Only available as part of the Cybermen box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
4 × 25 min. 9 August 2010 7 October 2010 2 November 2010
13 080 Terror of the Zygons 4 × 25 min. 2012[6][21] TBA TBA
081 Planet of Evil 4 × 25 min. 15 October 2007 5 December 2007 4 March 2008
082 Pyramids of Mars 4 × 25 min. 1 March 2004 10 June 2004 7 September 2004
083 The Android Invasion
Will be part of the UNIT Files box set.
4 × 25 min. 9 January 2012[17] 5 January 2012[18] 10 January 2012[19]
084 The Brain of Morbius 4 × 25 min. 21 July 2008 2 October 2008 7 October 2008
085 The Seeds of Doom 6 × 25 min. 25 October 2010 2 December 2010 8 March 2011
14 086 The Masque of Mandragora 4 × 25 min. 8 February 2010 31 March 2010 4 May 2010
087 The Hand of Fear 4 × 25 min. 24 July 2006 7 September 2006 7 November 2006
088 The Deadly Assassin 4 × 25 min. 11 May 2009 2 July 2009 1 September 2009
089 The Face of Evil 4 × 25 min. 5 March 2012[6][22] TBA 13 March 2012[10]
090 The Robots of Death 4 × 25 min. 13 November 2000 2 July 2001 11 September 2001
The Robots of Death – Special Edition
Will be part of the Revisitations 3 box set.
4 × 25 min. 13 February 2012[9] 1 March 2012[3] 13 March 2012[10]
091 The Talons of Weng-Chiang 6 × 25 min. 28 April 2003 30 June 2003 7 October 2003
The Talons of Weng-Chiang – Special Edition
Only available as part of the Revisitations 1 box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
6 × 25 min. 4 October 2010 2 December 2010 11 October 2011
15 092 Horror of Fang Rock 4 × 25 min. 17 January 2005 7 April 2005 6 September 2005
093 The Invisible Enemy
Only available as part of the K9 Tales box set with the Doctor Who spin-off K-9 and Company
in all regions.
4 × 25 min. 16 June 2008 4 September 2008 2 September 2008
094 Image of the Fendahl 4 × 25 min. 20 April 2009 4 June 2009 1 September 2009
095 The Sun Makers 4 × 25 min. 1 August 2011 1 September 2011 9 August 2011
096 Underworld
Only available as part of the Myths and Legends box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
4 × 25 min. 29 March 2010 3 June 2010 6 July 2010
097 The Invasion of Time
Available individually or in the Bred for War box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
6 × 25 min. 5 May 2008 3 July 2008 2 September 2008
The Key to Time
Stories available in Region 1 only, with minimal restoration and extras (individually or as a box set).
26 x 25 min n/a n/a 1 October 2002
The Key to Time – Special Edition
The Ribos Operation (4 episodes)
The Pirate Planet (4 episodes)
The Stones of Blood (4 episodes)
The Androids of Tara (4 episodes)
The Power of Kroll (4 episodes)
The Armageddon Factor (6 episodes)
Only available as a box set in Region 2 and 4.
Stories available individually or as a box set in Region 1.
26 × 25 min. 24 September 2007
(Limited release)

16 November 2009
7 November 2007 3 March 2009
17 104 Destiny of the Daleks
Available individually or in The Complete Davros Collection box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
4 × 25 min. 26 November 2007 6 February 2008 4 March 2008
105 City of Death 4 × 25 min. 7 November 2005 1 December 2005 8 November 2005
106 The Creature from the Pit 4 × 25 min. 3 May 2010 1 July 2010 7 September 2010
107 Nightmare of Eden 4 × 25 min. 2012[6] TBA TBA
108 The Horns of Nimon
Only available as part of the Myths and Legends box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
4 × 25 min. 29 March 2010 3 June 2010 6 July 2010
109 Shada
Will be part of The Legacy Box set
TBA 2012[23][24] TBA TBA
18 110 The Leisure Hive 4 × 25 min. 5 July 2004 7 October 2004 7 June 2005
111 Meglos 4 × 25 min. 10 January 2011 20 January 2011 11 January 2011

The E-Space Trilogy:
Full Circle (4 episodes)
State of Decay (4 episodes)
Warriors' Gate (4 episodes)
12 × 25 min. 26 January 2009 5 March 2009 5 May 2009
115 The Keeper of Traken
Only available as part of the New Beginnings box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Available individually or in the box set in Region 1.
4 × 25 min. 29 January 2007 7 March 2007 5 June 2007
116 Logopolis
Only available as part of the New Beginnings box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Available individually or in the box set in Region 1.
4 × 25 min. 29 January 2007 7 March 2007 5 June 2007

Fifth Doctor releases

Starring Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor. All Fifth Doctor serials have been released on DVD.

Season Story # Serial name Number and duration
of episodes
R2 release date R4 release date R1 release date
19 117 Castrovalva
Only available as part of the New Beginnings box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Available individually or in the box set in Region 1.
4 × 25 min. 29 January 2007 7 March 2007 5 June 2007
118 Four to Doomsday 4 × 25 min. 15 September 2008 4 December 2008 6 January 2009
119 Kinda
Only available as part of the Mara Tales box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
4 × 25 min. 7 March 2011 7 April 2011 12 April 2011
120 The Visitation 4 × 25 min. 19 January 2004 8 April 2004 1 March 2005
121 Black Orchid 2 × 25 min. 14 April 2008 5 June 2008 5 August 2008
122 Earthshock 4 × 25 min. 18 August 2003 1 October 2003 7 September 2004
123 Time-Flight
Only available as part of the Time-Flight/Arc of Infinity box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
4 × 25 min. 6 August 2007 5 September 2007 6 November 2007
20 124 Arc of Infinity
Only available as part of the Time-Flight/Arc of Infinity box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
4 × 25 min. 6 August 2007 5 September 2007 6 November 2007
125 Snakedance
Only available as part of the Mara Tales box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
4 × 25 min. 7 March 2011 7 April 2011 12 April 2011

Black Guardian Trilogy:
Mawdryn Undead (4 episodes)
Terminus (4 episodes)
Enlightenment (4 episodes)
12 × 25 min.
1 × 75 min.
(Enlightenment Special Edition)
10 August 2009 5 November 2009 3 November 2009
129 The King's Demons
Only available as part of the Kamelion Tales box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
2 × 25 min. 14 June 2010 5 August 2010 7 September 2010
130 The Five Doctors – Special Edition 1 × 100 min.
(Special Edition)[notes 1]
1 November 1999 9 October 2000 11 September 2001
The Five Doctors – 25th Anniversary Edition 1 × 90 min.
(Broadcast Version)
1 × 100 min.
(Special Edition)[notes 2]
3 March 2008 8 May 2008 5 August 2008
21 131 Warriors of the Deep
Only available as part of the Beneath the Surface box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Available individually or in the box set in Region 1.
4 × 25 min. 14 January 2008 5 March 2008 3 June 2008
132 The Awakening
Only available as part of the Earthstory box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
2 × 25 min. 20 June 2011 4 August 2011 12 July 2011
133 Frontios 4 × 25 min. 30 May 2011 7 July 2011 14 June 2011
134 Resurrection of the Daleks
Available individually or in The Complete Davros Collection box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
4 × 25 min.
(Original Version)[notes 3]
18 November 2002 3 February 2003 1 July 2003
Resurrection of the Daleks – Special Edition
Only available as part of the Revisitations 2 box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Not yet available in Region 1.
4 × 25 min.
(Original Version)
2 × 46 min.
(Broadcast Version)
28 March 2011 5 May 2011 TBA[25]
135 Planet of Fire
Only available as part of the Kamelion Tales box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
4 × 25 min.
(Broadcast Version)
1 × 66 min.
(Special Edition)
14 June 2010 5 August 2010 7 September 2010
136 The Caves of Androzani 4 × 25 min. 18 June 2001 7 January 2002 2 April 2002
The Caves of Androzani – Special Edition
Only available as part of the Revisitations 1 box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Not yet available in Region 1.
4 × 25 min. 4 October 2010 2 December 2010 14 February 2012[4]

Sixth Doctor releases

Starring Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor. All Sixth Doctor serials have been released on DVD.

Season Story # Serial name Number and duration
of episodes
R2 release date R4 release date R1 release date
21 137 The Twin Dilemma 4 × 25 min. 7 September 2009 3 December 2009 5 January 2010
22 138 Attack of the Cybermen 2 × 45 min. 16 March 2009 7 May 2009 7 July 2009
139 Vengeance on Varos 2 × 45 min. 15 October 2001 8 January 2002 4 March 2003
Vengeance on Varos – Special Edition 2 × 45 min. 2012[26] TBA TBA
140 The Mark of the Rani 2 × 45 min. 4 September 2006 2 November 2006 7 November 2006
141 The Two Doctors
Available individually or in the Bred for War box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
3 × 45 min. 8 September 2003 7 January 2004 1 June 2004
142 Timelash 2 × 45 min. 9 July 2007 31 July 2007 1 April 2008
143 Revelation of the Daleks
Available individually or in The Complete Davros Collection box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
2 × 45 min. 11 July 2005 1 September 2005 6 June 2006
The Trial of a Time Lord:
The Mysterious Planet (4 episodes)
Mindwarp (4 episodes)
Terror of the Vervoids (4 episodes)
The Ultimate Foe (2 episodes)
13 × 25 min.
1 × 30 min.
29 September 2008 5 January 2009 7 October 2008

Seventh Doctor releases

Starring Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor. There are three Seventh Doctor serials (Dragonfire, The Happiness Patrol and The Greatest Show in the Galaxy) yet to be released on DVD.

Season Story # Serial name Number and duration
of episodes
R2 release date R4 release date R1 release date
24 148 Time and the Rani 4 × 25 min. 13 September 2010 4 November 2010 14 June 2011
149 Paradise Towers 4 × 25 min. 18 July 2011 1 September 2011 9 August 2011
150 Delta and the Bannermen 3 × 25 min. 22 June 2009 6 August 2009 1 September 2009
151 Dragonfire
Will be part of the Ace box set.
3 × 25 min. 2012[6][27] TBA TBA
25 152 Remembrance of the Daleks 4 × 25 min. 26 February 2001 13 May 2002 2 April 2002
Remembrance of the Daleks – Special Edition
Available individually or in The Complete Davros Collection box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
4 × 25 min. 26 November 2007
20 July 2009[notes 4]
6 February 2008
1 October 2009[notes 4]
2 March 2010
153 The Happiness Patrol
Will be part of the Ace box set.
3 × 25 min. 2012[6][27] TBA TBA
154 Silver Nemesis
Only available as part of the Cybermen box set in Regions 2 and 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
3 × 25 min. 9 August 2010 7 October 2010 2 November 2010
155 The Greatest Show in the Galaxy 4 × 25 min. 2012[6][28] TBA TBA
26 156 Battlefield 4 × 25 min.
(Broadcast Version)
1 × 96 min.
(Special Edition)
26 December 2008 5 February 2009 5 May 2009
157 Ghost Light 3 × 25 min. 20 September 2004 3 February 2005 7 June 2005
158 The Curse of Fenric 4 × 25 min.
(Broadcast Version)
1 × 104 min.
(Special Edition)
6 October 2003 11 February 2004 1 June 2004
159 Survival 3 × 25 min. 16 April 2007 6 June 2007 14 August 2007

Eighth Doctor releases

Starring Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor. The only Eighth Doctor television adventure has been released on DVD.

Year Story # Name Duration R2 release date R4 release date R1 release date
1996 160 Doctor Who: The Movie 85 min. 13 August 2001 n/a n/a
Doctor Who: The Movie – Special Edition
Only available as part of the Revisitations 1 box set in Region 2.
Available individually or in the box set in Region 4.
Only available individually in Region 1.
85 min. 4 October 2010 2 December 2010
3 March 2011[notes 5]
8 February 2011

Ninth Doctor releases

Starring Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor. All Ninth Doctor serials have been released on DVD.

Series Episode name Number and duration
of episodes
R2 release date R4 release date R1 release date
1 Doctor Who: Volume 1
"The End of the World"
"The Unquiet Dead"
3 × 45 min. 16 May 2005 17 June 2005 7 November 2006
Doctor Who: Volume 2
"Aliens of London"/"World War Three"
3 × 45 min. 13 June 2005 3 August 2005 7 November 2006
Doctor Who: Volume 3
"The Long Game"
"Father's Day"
"The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances"
4 × 45 min. 1 August 2005 31 August 2005 7 November 2006
Doctor Who: Volume 4
"Boom Town"
"Bad Wolf"/"The Parting of the Ways"
3 × 45 min. 5 September 2005 6 October 2005 7 November 2006
Doctor Who: The Complete First Series 13 × 45 min. 21 November 2005 8 December 2005 14 February 2006 (Canada),
4 July 2006 (US) [notes 6]

Tenth Doctor releases

Starring David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor. All Tenth Doctor serials have been released on DVD. Four Tenth Doctor serials ("The Next Doctor", "Planet of the Dead", "The Waters of Mars" and "The End of Time") have been released on Blu-ray.

Series Episode name Number and duration
of episodes
R2 release date R4 release date R1 release date
2 Doctor Who: Series 2, Volume 1
"The Christmas Invasion"
"New Earth"
1 x 60 min.
1 x 45 min.
1 May 2006 20 July 2006 n/a
Doctor Who: Series 2, Volume 2
"Tooth and Claw"
"School Reunion"
"The Girl in the Fireplace"
3 × 45 min. 5 June 2006 17 August 2006 n/a
Doctor Who: Series 2, Volume 3
"Rise of the Cybermen"/"The Age of Steel"
"The Idiot's Lantern"
3 × 45 min. 10 July 2006 7 September 2006 n/a
Doctor Who: Series 2, Volume 4
"The Impossible Planet"/"The Satan Pit"
"Love & Monsters"
3 × 45 min. 7 August 2006 5 October 2006 n/a
Doctor Who: Series 2, Volume 5
"Fear Her"
"Army of Ghosts"/"Doomsday"
3 × 45 min. 25 September 2006 2 November 2006 n/a
Doctor Who: The Complete Second Series 1 × 7 min.
1 × 60 min.
13 × 45 min.
20 November 2006 6 December 2006 16 January 2007 (US)
6 February 2007 (Canada)[notes 7]
3 Doctor Who: The Runaway Bride[notes 8]
"The Runaway Bride"
1 × 60 min. 2 April 2007 1 July 2007 n/a
Doctor Who: Series 3, Volume 1
"Smith and Jones"
"The Shakespeare Code"
3 × 45 min. 21 May 2007 1 August 2007 n/a
Doctor Who: Series 3, Volume 2
"Daleks in Manhattan"/"Evolution of the Daleks"
"The Lazarus Experiment"
4 × 45 min. 25 June 2007 5 September 2007 n/a
Doctor Who: Series 3, Volume 3
"Human Nature"/"The Family of Blood"
3 × 45 min. 23 July 2007 3 October 2007 n/a
Doctor Who: Series 3, Volume 4
"Utopia"/"The Sound of Drums"/"Last of the Time Lords"
2 × 45 min.
1 × 52 min.
20 August 2007 7 November 2007 n/a
Doctor Who: The Complete Third Series 1 × 60 min.
12 × 45 min.
1 × 52 min.
5 November 2007 5 December 2007 6 November 2007
n/a Doctor Who: The Infinite Quest 1 × 45 min. 5 November 2007 5 June 2008 18 November 2008
4 Doctor Who: Voyage of the Damned[notes 8]
"Time Crash"
"Voyage of the Damned"
1 × 8 min.
1 × 72 min.
10 March 2008 30 June 2008 n/a
Doctor Who: Series 4, Volume 1
"Partners in Crime"
"The Fires of Pompeii"
"Planet of the Ood"
2 × 50 min.
1 × 45 min.
2 June 2008 7 August 2008 n/a
Doctor Who: Series 4, Volume 2
"The Sontaran Stratagem"/"The Poison Sky"
"The Doctor's Daughter"
"The Unicorn and the Wasp"
4 × 45 min. 7 July 2008 4 September 2008 n/a
Doctor Who: Series 4, Volume 3
"Silence in the Library"/"Forest of the Dead"
3 × 45 min. 4 August 2008 2 October 2008 n/a
Doctor Who: Series 4, Volume 4
"Turn Left"
"The Stolen Earth"/"Journey's End"
1 × 50 min.
1 × 45 min.
1 × 65 min.
1 September 2008 6 November 2008 n/a
Doctor Who: The Complete Fourth Series 1 × 8 min.
1 × 72 min.
9 × 45 min.
3 × 50 min.
1 × 65 min.
17 November 2008 4 December 2008 18 November 2008
Specials Doctor Who: The Next Doctor
"The Next Doctor"
"Music of the Spheres"
Doctor Who Prom (2008)
1 × 60 min.
1 × 7 min.
1 x 95 min.
19 January 2009 5 March 2009 (DVD)
3 June 2010 (Blu-ray)
15 September 2009
Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead
"Planet of the Dead"
1 × 60 min. 29 June 2009
(DVD and Blu-ray)
2 July 2009 (DVD)
1 October 2009 (Blu-ray)
28 July 2009
(DVD and Blu-ray)
Doctor Who: 2009 Winter Specials
"The Waters of Mars"
"The End of Time"
2 × 60 min.
1 × 75 min.
11 January 2010 n/a n/a
Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars
"The Waters of Mars"
1 × 60 min. n/a 4 February 2010
(DVD and Blu-ray)
2 February 2010
(DVD and Blu-ray)
Doctor Who: The End of Time
"The End of Time"
1 × 60 min.
1 × 75 min.
n/a 4 March 2010
(DVD and Blu-ray)
2 February 2010
(DVD and Blu-ray)
Doctor Who: The Complete Specials 1 × 7 min.
4 × 60 min.
1 × 75 min.
11 January 2010
(DVD and Blu-ray)
1 July 2010 (DVD)
29 June 2010 (Blu-ray)
2 February 2010
(DVD and Blu-ray)
n/a Doctor Who: Dreamland 1 × 12 min.
5 x 6 min.
1 February 2010 3 June 2010 5 October 2010
2, 3, 4,
Doctor Who: The Complete David Tennant Years 5 x 6 min, 2 × 7 min,
1 × 8 min, 1 × 12 min,
35 × 45 min, 4 × 50 min,
6 × 60 min, 1 × 65 min,
1 × 72 min, 1 × 75 min.
n/a n/a 11 October 2011

Eleventh Doctor releases

Starring Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor. Eleventh Doctor serials have been released simultaneously on DVD and Blu-ray. No releases for Series 5 contain a "next time" trailer on the end of each episode.

Series Episode name Number and duration
of episodes
R2 release date R4 release date R1 release date
5 Doctor Who: Series 5, Volume 1
"The Eleventh Hour"
"The Beast Below"
"Victory of the Daleks"
1 x 65 min.
2 x 45 min.
7 June 2010
(DVD and Blu-ray)
1 July 2010
(DVD and Blu-ray)
Doctor Who: Series 5, Volume 2
"The Time of Angels"/"Flesh and Stone"
"The Vampires of Venice"
2 x 45 min.
1 x 50 min.
5 July 2010
(DVD and Blu-ray)
5 August 2010
(DVD and Blu-ray)
Doctor Who: Series 5, Volume 3
"Amy's Choice"
"The Hungry Earth"/"Cold Blood"
2 x 45 min.
1 x 50 min.
2 August 2010
(DVD and Blu-ray)
2 September 2010
(DVD and Blu-ray)
Doctor Who: Series 5, Volume 4
"Vincent and the Doctor"
"The Lodger"
"The Pandorica Opens"/"The Big Bang"
2 x 45 min.
1 x 50 min.
1 x 55 min.
6 September 2010
(DVD and Blu-ray)
7 October 2010
(DVD and Blu-ray)
Doctor Who: The Complete Fifth Series 8 x 45 min.
3 x 50 min.
1 x 55 min.
1 x 65 min.
8 November 2010
(DVD and Blu-ray)
2 December 2010
(DVD and Blu-ray)
9 November 2010
(DVD and Blu-ray)
6 Doctor Who: A Christmas Carol[notes 8]
"A Christmas Carol"
Doctor Who Prom (2010)
1 x 60min. 24 January 2011
(DVD and Blu-ray)
3 March 2011
(DVD and Blu-ray)
15 February 2011
(DVD and Blu-ray)
Doctor Who: Series 6, Part 1
"The Impossible Astronaut"/"Day of the Moon"
"The Curse of the Black Spot"
"The Doctor's Wife"
"The Rebel Flesh"/"The Almost People"
"A Good Man Goes to War"
6 x 45 min.
1 x 50 min.
11 July 2011
(DVD and Blu-ray)
4 August 2011
(DVD and Blu-ray)
19 July 2011
(DVD and Blu-ray)
Doctor Who: Series 6, Part 2
"Let's Kill Hitler"
"Night Terrors"
"The Girl Who Waited"
"The God Complex"
"Closing Time"
"The Wedding of River Song"
4 x 45 min.
2 x 50 min.
10 October 2011
(DVD and Blu-ray)
3 November 2011
(DVD and Blu-ray)
8 November 2011
(DVD and Blu-ray)
Doctor Who: The Complete Sixth Series 1 x 60 min.
3 x 50 min.
10 x 45 min.
21 November 2011
(DVD and Blu-ray)
1 December 2011
(DVD and Blu-ray)
22 November 2011
(DVD and Blu-ray)
7 Doctor Who: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe
"The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe"
1 x 60 min 16 January 2012
(DVD[29] & Blu-ray[30])
1 March 2012[3] 14 February 2012[31]

Incomplete Serials

Many of the Doctor Who serials from the 1960s have missing episodes, and in some cases, entire serials have been lost. However, only three serials have no footage remaining at all, with various orphaned episodes, clips recorded off-air, and censored clips being returned to the BBC from both fans and overseas broadcasters. Incomplete stories and episodes, which have seen some kind of DVD release, are as follows:

Marco Polo

Although no clips from this serial survive, a condensed 30-minute reconstruction was included on The Beginning, using production photographs, telesnaps and parts of the soundtrack (which survives and has been released on CD in its entirety).

The Reign of Terror

Due to be released in late 2012, missing episodes 4 & 5 will be animated by Big Finish and Theta Sigma.[5]

Lost in Time

The remainder of the surviving "orphan episodes" (episodes which belong to stories which do not contain at least half of the produced episodes) and a number of clips were released in 2004 on a 3-disc DVD set, Doctor Who: Lost in Time. Two serials, The Crusade and The Moonbase contain both the surviving episodes (two each) as well as the soundtracks to their missing episodes, and both may be watched as "complete" serials. The set also contains an updated version of The Missing Years, a 1998 BBC documentary on the missing episodes. In Region 1, the collection was released both in parts (Hartnell and Troughton getting separate releases) and as a set. The Region 4 version was re-released in Australia on 1 July 2010.

William Hartnell:

Patrick Troughton—Disc 1:

Patrick Troughton—Disc 2:

The Invasion

Episodes 1 and 4 were animated by Cosgrove Hall Films, the same team that animated the BBC webcast The Scream of the Shalka and The Infinite Quest.[32]


The filmed footage for the serial will be released as part of The Legacy Box in 2012 with assorted Doctor Who material, including the documentary More Than 30 Years In The TARDIS.[23][24]

Special Releases

Box sets

Classic series

Many serials have been released in box sets:

Other box sets have been released repackaging previously released serials (often with a recently released one):


New series

In addition to full series box sets, and the box set of the 2009 specials, the following collections have been released.

Limited Edition

Several box sets have been released in multiple editions, some with different outer cases but the same content.

The Five Doctors

The original release of The Five Doctors was the very first Doctor Who DVD release, and as such, is rather lacking compared to later releases in the range. This release contains a straight transfer of the 1995 Special Edition, which recut the story, added several scenes, and replaced the original effects with CGI. The Region 2 version had no commentary track, but one with Peter Davison and writer Terrance Dicks was added for the Region 1 release nearly two years later. The Doctor Who Restoration Team has repeatedly stated that neither they nor 2 Entertain considers this to be part of the 'official' release range. The packaging for the DVD and the design of the menus is different from all other releases in the range, although the BBC have subsequently made a new sleeve available for download from the official Doctor Who website which is intended to better match the rest of the range. A new version of the story was released in Region 2 on 3 March 2008, containing remastered versions of both the special edition and the story as originally transmitted. It also features both the R1 commentary track, a newly recorded commentary, and a number of special features. To distinguish it from the previous release, the newer version is subtitled 25th Anniversary Edition.

Alternative feature-length versions

The Curse of Fenric,[45] Battlefield,[46] Enlightenment[47] and Planet of Fire.[48] Some have re-edited feature-length versions on a bonus disc, while others have a reduced edit with additional footage and new special effects, as well as a remixed 5.1 surround soundtrack. The alternative versions of Enlightenment and Planet of Fire are presented in 16:9 widescreen rather than the original 4:3 aspect ratio. The Curse of Fenric and Battlefield are extended edits with new scenes added, while Enlightenment and Planet of Fire are cut down in length to make them more like modern Doctor Who stories.

New Series Animations

Doctor Who DVD Files

On 14 January 2009, publishers GE Fabbri, licensed by the BBC and 2 Entertain, released the first issue of the partwork magazine Doctor Who DVD Files. Every fortnight the magazine comes with a mounted DVD containing episodes of Doctor Who. They started by publishing the relaunched series, beginning with "Rose".[49] Starting from issue 29 the DVDs have focused on the classic series starting with Remembrance of the Daleks. All the DVDs come with new double-sided covers and are encoded for Regions 2 and 4. The series goes up to 80 issues with the David Tennant specials of 2009 being released late in the series.

DVD releases of theatrical feature films

Film remakes based on the first two Dalek television stories were produced in 1965 (Dr. Who and the Daleks) and 1966 (Daleks' Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D.) starring Peter Cushing as "Dr. Who". These two theatrical movies do not take place within the established canon of Doctor Who. The two films have been released as a box set (often with the Dalekmania documentary on a separate disc), first in region 4 (9 May 2001), then region 1 (22 November 2001) and later region 2 (29 July 2002). It was also re-released in region 2 (25 September 2006) with a new cover.

Big Finish Talks Back

A special DVD interview with Paul McGann was released through Big Finish covering his time as the Eighth Doctor on both TV and on audio. It was released in 7 September 2002 worldwide through the Big Finish Website.[50]

See also


  1. ^ The DVD release of The Five Doctors – Special Edition is a 100-minute "special edition" with restored footage and new special effects.
  2. ^ The Five Doctors – 25th Anniversary Edition DVD release contains the 100-minute "special edition" with restored footage and new special effects and the story as originally broadcast as a 90 minute television movie.
  3. ^ Resurrection of the Daleks was originally made in 4 25-minute episodes, but broadcast as 2 46-minute episodes due to the BBC's coverage of the 1984 Winter Olympics. The DVD contains the story in its intended 4-part format.
  4. ^ a b The Region 2 and 4 releases of the Special Edition of Remembrance of the Daleks was originally only available as part of The Complete Davros Collection box set, but was later re-released on its own.
  5. ^ The Region 4 release of the Special Edition of Doctor Who:The Movie was originally only available as part of the Revisitaions 1 box set, but was later re-released on its own.
  6. ^ The Region 1 release of Doctor Who: The Complete First Series had originally been scheduled for 14 February 2006, but due to the series' broadcast by the American Sci Fi Channel, the US release was then delayed to 4 July 2006. [1], [2] The box set was released in Canada on 14 February as scheduled.
  7. ^ Canadian release was originally announced as the same day as the US issue, but the decision by the CBC to schedule a two-month mid-season hiatus led to the release date being pushed back; ultimately, it was released before the CBC was able to air the final two episodes of the season.
  8. ^ a b c The Christmas specials are considered introduction to the series, without actually being part of it.
  9. ^ Coming Soon Trailer quotes Mannequin Mania as Mannequin Madness


  1. ^ "The Frequently Asked Questions Lists for Doctor Who Home Videos and DVDs in the United States and Canada—LATEST NEWS". Retrieved 28 February 2007. 
  2. ^ Doctor Who - The Sensorites
  3. ^ a b c d e Filmink listings
  4. ^ a b "Doctor Who - 1st Doctor Story 'The Sensorites' Among 5 Classic DVDs Slated for February and March". tvshowsondvd. 5 October 2011. Retrieved 6 October 2011. 
  5. ^ a b "The Doctor Who News Page: The Reign of Terror to be animated". 2 June 2011. Retrieved 2 June 2011. 
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l "The Doctor Who News Page: DVD Schedule Update". 3 May 2011. Retrieved 18 May 2011. 
  7. ^ "Twitter / Classic Doctor Who: ... REIGN OF TERROR! To be". Twitter. Retrieved 18 May 2011. 
  8. ^ "Twitter / Classic Doctor Who: Finishing touches to PLANE". Twitter.!/classicdw/status/57400338541580290. 
  9. ^ a b c d Revisitations 3
  10. ^ a b c d "Doctor Who - 4 Classic DVDs in March Include 3 Special Editions and Leela's Introduction!". tvshowsondvd. 30 November 2011. Retrieved 1 December 2011. 
  11. ^ "Twitter / Classic Doctor Who: All content for KROTONS DV". Twitter.!/classicdw/status/57384518386061312. 
  12. ^ "Doctor Who: The Seeds of Death – Special Edition – DVD". Bbc Retrieved 18 May 2011. 
  13. ^ a b Due to ongoing restoration issues, The Ambassadors of Death will now not be released in 2011, official "classicdw" Twitter
  14. ^ "Doctor Who: Spearhead from Space: Special Edition – DVD". Bbc Retrieved 18 May 2011. 
  15. ^ " listings". Retrieved 14 December 2011. 
  16. ^ "Doctor Who: Carnival of Monsters – Special Edition – DVD". Bbc Retrieved 18 May 2011. 
  17. ^ a b c Invasion of the Dinosaurs and the Android Invasion Unit Box Set
  18. ^ a b Doctor Who Unit Box Set on DVD @ DeVoteD DVD - Australia
  19. ^ a b "Double-Invasion in January: DVDs for Classic Episodes with the 3rd and 4th Doctors". tvshowsondvd. 31 August 2011. Retrieved 31 August 2011. 
  20. ^ "Twitter / Classic Doctor Who: Finished commissioning res". Twitter. Retrieved 18 May 2011. 
  21. ^ "Twitter / Classic Doctor Who: Fully commissioned and in". Twitter.!/classicdw/status/57421855086231553. 
  22. ^ " listings2". Retrieved 14 December 2011. 
  23. ^ a b c "2012 will see the release of THE LEGACY BOX ft. SHADA and MORE THAN 30 YEARS IN THE TARDIS! a". Twitter.!/BlogtorWho/status/134658816779362304. Retrieved 10 Nov 2011. 
  24. ^ a b c "Potential Shada DVD Release for 2012". Doctor Who News Page. Retrieved 26 October 2011. 
  25. ^ "Doctor Who: Resurrection of the Daleks – Special Edition – DVD". Bbc Retrieved 18 May 2011. 
  26. ^ "Doctor Who Online – Vengeance on Varos DVD for 2012". 3 March 2011. Retrieved 18 May 2011. 
  27. ^ a b c DWM 433
  28. ^ "Twitter / Classic Doctor Who: GREATEST SHOW is currently". Twitter.!/classicdw/status/57400004003897344. 
  29. ^ Doctor Who Christmas Special 2011 - The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe DVD
  30. ^ Doctor Who Christmas Special 2011 - The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe Blu-ray
  31. ^ Doctor Who DVD news: Announcement for Doctor Who - The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe **UPDATE** |
  32. ^ "DW Restoration Team – The Invasion". 27 August 2006. Retrieved 2 August 2010. 
  33. ^ Doctor Who Restoration Team – The Key to Time article.
  34. ^ Doctor Who News Page - No Beatles outside Europe
  35. ^ "Twitter / Classic Doctor Who: The Ace Box commissioned a". Twitter. Retrieved 18 May 2011. 
  36. ^ "The TARDIS Library: 40th Anniversary Dalek box set". Retrieved 2 August 2010. 
  37. ^ "Doctor Who Original Series : The Cybermen – Limited Edition 4 Disc Box Set Exclusive To". Retrieved 2 August 2010. 
  38. ^ "Doctor Who Original Series : Jon Pertwee – Limited Edition 7 Disc Box Set Exclusive To". Retrieved 2 August 2010. 
  39. ^ "Doctor Who Original Series : The Daleks – Limited Edition Black Rubber Cased 7 Disc Box Set Exclusive To". Retrieved 2 August 2010. 
  40. ^ "#221 – 2 Entertain or Not 2 Entertain – Doctor Who". Radio Free Skaro. Retrieved 18 May 2011. 
  41. ^ Doctor Who Magazine Issue 430, Pages 46–49, Published Thursday 13 January 2011
  42. ^ "Dr Who Online Releases Page". Retrieved 2 August 2010. 
  43. ^ "Doctor Who – Series 1–4 – Complete". Retrieved 27 January 2011. 
  44. ^ "Doctor Who - Allons-y! BBC Video Announces a Collectible DVD Set for 'The David Tennant Years'". Retrieved 3 August 2011. 
  45. ^ "The Curse of Fenric". 18 September 2003. Retrieved 2 August 2010. 
  46. ^ DW Restoration Team – Battlefield
  47. ^ "Black Guardian Trilogy". 28 June 2009. Retrieved 2 August 2010. 
  48. ^ "Releases: June 2010". Retrieved 27 January 2011. 
  49. ^ "Official ',Doctor Who Files', website". Retrieved 18 May 2011. 
  50. ^ "Big Finish Talks Back". 7 September 2002. Retrieved 2 September 2010. 

External links